Better Late than Never

Posted at — Oct 30, 2023

Last Friday, I left my job at Retool to do a bit of self-discovery, and in the down time between roles, I’ve started writing again.

Writing is something that I’ve always enjoyed. It’s a means of self-expression in which I can document, celebrate, or even rant about my daily life. When I was younger, I kept a small journal, but I only added an entry once every 6 months or so. As I’ve grown older, I regret not writing more when I had the time.

Writing for the Internet, though, feels a little different. In fact, it’s a little scary. Anyone can read, evaluate, or critique what I have to say. However, rather than worry about what other people think, I’ve decided that I want to write for myself. I plan to write about whatever interests me, whether that’s my job, a show that I’m watching, or a new experience.

I’m 2 years out of college, so I feel a bit late. Most of my friends have already been writing for years, but as the cliche goes, it’s better late than never. Sure, I won’t be able to write about struggling through my first internship or raising $100k for YHack, but at least I’ll be prepared to write about anything new that comes my way.

If anything here catches your eye, please let me know!